saturday 31 | 18:30 | FREE

Post-Soviet Forms of Social and Political Battles

- Discussion in French -

Throughout the Cold War, the Soviet Union and powerful communist parties played a decisive role in the balance of social and political power in Western Europe. The workers' struggle was a driver of social progress at the time. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the decline of pro-Soviet parties, social and political battles have taken on other forms, whether they are minority struggles, the fight for alter-globalisation or the struggles of marginalised populations. What are their assets and difficulties? What is at stake and what is their outlook?

With Alain Krivine (Spokesperson for the Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste and founding member of the Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire), Mateo Alaluf (labour sociologist, ULB),  Isabelle Stengers, (Philosopher, author of Sorcellerie capitaliste, La Découverte, 2005) and Stephan Galon (activist and Manger of the International Department of the FGTB union).

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