While a diversified array of television and radio stations do exist, media specialists observe a certain convergence both in how information is treated and in what entertainment options are proposed (game shows, talk shows, series, films, etc.). In this light, the media can be seen as non-negligible vectors for homogenisation in how we see the world, have fun, consume, etc.
What is the role of public television and radio stations? What is their programming philosophy? What is the influence of the Board of Directors, ratings, publicists, press agencies, budget constraints, hosts' backgrounds or trends originating in the United States? Do publicly financed media outlets have a mission to promote critical thinking by viewers and listeners?
With Eddy Caekelberghs (journalist, "Face à l'info" on RTBF La Première), Marc De Haan (director of TéléBruxelles), Evelyne Lentzen (past presidente of Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel - CSA) and Philippe Marion (Observatoire du récit médiatique).
Moderation: Benoit Van der Meerschen (LDH, Bruxelles Laïque)
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