A widely held preconception puts the virtual (including the Internet) in opposition with the concept of the "real". However, it is simply a recent tool, amongst many others, that we have to know how to use. In the name of convenience or safety, the major access providers to this virtual world channel and control its use. Most users are not sufficiently prepared to identify valid, practical information. The virtual profoundly modifies our relationship with space and time, increases our ability to act and opens new possibilities for citizenship, cultural dissemination, participative information, etc. How can we promote intelligent and critical use of this new tool? Through what experiences?
With Abel Carlier (professor and analyst of media representations, member of the Conseil supérieur pour l'Education aux médias, filmmaker), Patric Jean (filmmaker, Lettre à Henri Storck, La raison du plus fort, La domination masculine and pioneer of web-based documentaries), Jean-Paul Biltiau (doctoral candidate in Anthropology, critical Web user, fan of immersive experiences) and Cedric Tolley (sociologist and ethnographer).
Free • In French • Studio
A Bruxelles Laïque asbl organisation | Tel: +32 2 289 69 00 | In collaboration with Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen, Théâtre National and KVS | info@festivaldeslibertes.be