tuesday 26 | 20:00 | TN > grande salle | FREE

Working on the street: Resisting normalisation?

The difficulties experienced every day by low-income populations are increasing and becoming more complex. As their exclusion grows, their basic rights are increasingly forgotten, both in the North and in the South. The major orientations of public policies in the social and security realm, and indeed their increasing uniformity at the European and global levels, do not seem to be providing the appropriate answers. Between the two, what are the levers that can be mobilised by social street workers? Can practices escape the confines of normalisation and instrumentalisation? How can field workers, who see the effects of exclusion up close, contribute to social progress for everyone?

With Ricardo Petrella (political scientist and economist), Bernard De Vos (children's rights advocate), Abraham Franssen (director, Centre d'études sociologiques, FUSL), Firouzeh Nahavandi (professor, Institut de Sociologie - ULB, autor of Globalisation et néolibéralisme dans le tiers-monde), Helder Luis Santos (Portugal - International Network of Social Street Workers). Moderator: Jean Blairon (RTA)

In partnership with the International Network of Social Street Workers as part of their second International Forum.

Free • In French, English, Spanish and Dutch (simultaneous interpretation) • Grande Salle.

A  Bruxelles Laïque asbl  organisation  |  Tel: +32 2 289 69 00  |  In collaboration with Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen, Théâtre National and KVS  |  info@festivaldeslibertes.be

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