wednesday 27 | 20:30 | KVS > Bol | FREE

How to articulate the different visions of the world - identities, memories and utopias - that are present at the heart of our plural societies? How can social and political thinking overcome these contradictions and become a vector of cohesion, creativity and mobilisation? How can we reach a consensus about the universal? Faced with the drawbacks of modernity and with the fears generated by the many crises our society is undergoing, Gérard Bouchard's research on collective imagination offers us stimulating ways to think about "re-enchanting" the world, notably by rehabilitating the myth as a way of thinking.

A lecture by Gérard Bouchard (historian and sociologist, University of Quebec, co-chair of the Bouchard-Taylor Commission on "reasonable accommodation" of cultural differences in Quebec), in discussion with Vincent de Coorebyter (philosopher and managing director, Centre de recherche et d'information socio-politiques) and Edouard Delruelle (assistant director, Centre pour l'Egalité des chances et la Lutte contre le racisme, and professor of philosophy at ULG).

In partnership with Centre Bruxellois d'Action Interculturelle

Free • In French and Dutch (simultaneous translation) • Bol KVS.

A  Bruxelles Laïque asbl  organisation  |  Tel: +32 2 289 69 00  |  In collaboration with Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen, Théâtre National and KVS  |

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