Following the success of the first edition in 2009, the speaking competition on civil liberties is back with a bang! This year, it offers a platform to denounce the excesses of a society sinking deeper towards increased uniformity of behaviours, consumptions, culture and political correctness... What does the future hold for the exercise of our freedoms in a world where abusive formatting reduces the field of vision and the choices offered to us? Six candidates will use their sharpest or most original tools to deconstruct the standards and convince the jury and the audience about the relevance and effectiveness of their "dissident" positions.
In partnership with the Ligue des Droits de l'Homme (Belgian Human Rights League).
Free • In French • Foyer.
A Bruxelles Laïque asbl organisation | Tel: +32 2 289 69 00 | In collaboration with Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen, Théâtre National and KVS |