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Théatre National > Studio

Une autre économie pour un autre monde


In the face of the increasingly glaring dead ends of an economic model that generates widening social inequalities and is also destructive for the future of the planet and the human race, alternative proposals are trying to be heard, in opposition to the myths that form the basis of free-market ideology, such as progress, growth or development. Whether it’s negative growth, a gift-based economy, living well, relocalising the economy, the implementation of a guaranteed minimum revenue or other wealth indicators... these proposals share a desire to rebuild the foundations of a new economy that would once again be at the service of humans.

With Paul Ariès (political scientist, editor-in-chief of the magazine Le Sarkophage and author of Décroissance & gratuité. Moins de biens, plus de liens (2010), La simplicité volontaire contre le mythe de l’abondance (2010)), Michèle Gilkinet (Chairwoman of GRAPPE (Groupe de Réflexion et d'Action Pour une Politique Écologique) and growth opponent (AdOC and Mouvement Politique des Objecteurs de Croissance)) and Yann Moulier-Boutang (professor of political economy at the University of Technology of Compiègne, co-editor-in-chief of the review Multitude. His recent books include Le Capitalisme cognitif ou la nouvelle grande transformation (2007) and L’abeille et l’économiste (2010)). Animation:Jean Cornil (essayiste, chargé de recherche à Présence et Action Culturelle).

In partnership with Rencontre des Continents

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