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Théatre National > Foyer

Des migrants partout, tout le temps!



Crude myths and subtle utopias confront each other when the subject turns to migrations. On one side, there’s the myth of the magnet effect that would draw “all of the world’s tired and hungry” to rush towards Europe’s borders if ever immigration policies were relaxed. On the other side, there’s the desire for a serene land that could welcome anyone who decided to settle in “our home”. Points of view about immigration are often fuzzy and based on realities that the general public knows little about, but which demographers know all too well. However, while the collective imagination is buffeted with a priori discourse, the migrants themselves are joining together and reflecting on a policy of migrations that is more realistic and more respectful of human dignity. This has led to the World Charter of Migrants.

With: Mathieu Bietlot (Bruxelles Laïque, philosopher and author of L’horizon fermé. Migration, démocratie ou barbelés (2009)) and representatives from the coordination team promoting the World Charter of Migrants: Cécile Kyenge (Italy), Fabien Yene Didier (Morocco) and Aishatou Sarr (Senegal).

Partnership : la Ligue des Droits de l’Homme et Sans-Papiers Belgique

A  Bruxelles Laïque asbl  organisation  |  Tel: +32 2 289 69 00  |  In collaboration with, Théâtre National and the KVS  |

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