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Théatre National > Grande Salle

Printemps arabe, un an après

FR/NL (trad simultanée)

Nearly a year after the first demonstration of the “Arab Spring” which – from Tunisia to Egypt, from Algeria to Bahrain, Yemen, Morocco, Syria and Libya among others – saw millions of men and women take to the streets to reclaim their dignity, which had long been held captive by dictatorial, kleptocratic regimes, this meeting will be an opportunity to review the advances and potential traps of these democratic and social movements, as well to analyse the geopolitical consequences of these revolutions.

With François Burgat (political scientist, senior research fellow at CNRS, director of the French Institute of the Near East (Damascus), author of many books, notably L’Islamisme à l’heure d’al-Qaïda : réislamisation, modernisation, radicalisations (2005), L’islamisme en face (2007), L’islamisme au Maghreb (2008)), Alain Gresh (assistant editor-in-chief, Le Monde Diplomatique, Middle East specialist, author of the blog Nouvelles d’Orient and recently 100 clés du Proche-Orient (with Dominique Vidal, 2011), De quoi la Palestine est-elle le nom ? (2010)).

In partnership with: Présence et Action Culturelle (PAC).

A  Bruxelles Laïque asbl  organisation  |  Tel: +32 2 289 69 00  |  In collaboration with, Théâtre National and the KVS  |

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