Nomadic Peoples
- Discussion in French -
The Roma people and other nomadic peoples number over twelve million throughout Europe. These transnational minority groups of heterogeneous cultures share the common fate of an ancient discrimination, a de facto apartheid with devastating effects on their living conditions and prospects for a better life. Marginalisation and impoverishment in some of these communities has been growing and tends to result in an identity crisis. How can the barriers of ignorance be overcome so that we can all live together with greater acceptance? How can we ensure equality for these minorities in all aspects of society?
With Ahmed Akim (Director of the Centre de médiation des gens du voyage in Walloon), Alain Reyniers (Ethnologist, Professor at UCL, Scientific Director of the journal Etudes Tsiganes, former Expert on Gypsy Issues for the Walloon Ministry of Social Affairs) and Joachim Ott (Coordinator of the Roma Action Group, European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Oportunities - not confirmed). Moderator: Julie Ringelheim (Initiator of the platform "Gens du voyage : les oubliés du droit au logement ?" , Justice Commission of the French League of Human Rights (LDH))
Discussion opens with the film Lashi Vita.
As part of the "For Diversity, Against Discrimination" campaign pursued by the European Commission's DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.
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